The Bible Speaks (Wednesday Bible Study)


Welcome to the Bible Speaks Page




The topics you will find on this page:


. The State of the dead

. Why we/I should get baptised. 

. Prayer that are answered 

. The Law and the Gospel









Date notes were taken: Wednesday 19th March 2014 The State of the Dead


Songs sung during song service: 

4 - Praise my soul the King of heaven 

426 - I shall see the king 

272 - Give me the Bible 

Romans 5 : 12 

Gen 3: 22, 23


Let's see what the Bible says about the state of the dead. 



Job 30: 23  Job 17: 13 - Where the dead go at the time of death. 

Gen 2: 7  - The two elements were used by God to make living soul

Gen 3: 19 - What happens to the body of a man after death. 

Ecc 12: 7 - What happens to the breath of life or the spirit at death. 

Ps 146: 3,4 - What happens to man's ability to think at death. 

Ecc 9: 5,6 - How much the dead know at the time of death.

Ecc 9: 10- No knowledge in the grave.

Ps 115: 17 - Ps 6:5 - The dead can not praise the Lord.   

John 11: 11-14 - Jesus calls death "Sleep"

1 Corinthians 15: 16-18 - If there were no resurrection, what would have happened to the dead. 

1 Cor 15: 22, 23 - At the coming of Christ

John 5: 28, 29 - The groups to be resurrected

1 Thess 4: 16, 17 - What Paul says will happen to the righteous dead at Christ coming.


1 Cor 15: 51-54 - How the righteous will change in a moment at the coming of Christ.

Phil 3: 20, 21 - What will happened to our bodies? 

1 John 5: 12 - What must we have in order that we might obtain immortality? 


Date notes were taken: Wednesday 5th March 2014 Why I/We should get baptised.

The Bible Speaks Presented by Pastor E. Lawrence  


Song sang this evening

245 – More about Jesus

337 – Redeemed

Opening Song/Theme song  - 272 Give me the Bible

Opening Prayer – Taken by Elder Holness











Short discussion.

If you are sick and cannot get into the pool but accept Christ as your saviour, Jesus baptism will cover you.

Stories shared

The Story of Naaman and when he had to dip in the Jordan River seven times. The trust in God helped him to be healed. 2 Kings 5.


Questions asked this week.

What took place before baptism? Circumcision (Male). Woman were not baptised, once the male in the family were baptised, it covered the family.

Why did Peter say on the day of Pentecost that the people should get baptised in the name of Jesus? He wanted them to know who Jesus was, this is the one who was to come, the one who was crucified.

Is it a must that we get baptised by water? Yes, if there is a serious health reason or circumstance, but the Bible

If you accept Christ as your Saviour but get killed before your baptism, What will happen? Christ will see your decision and accept your wishes and act to follow.


Let’s find how we can be cleansed and Why I/we should get baptised.

Eph 4:5 – There is one baptised that the Bible recognises.

Matt 28: 19,20 Instructions given by Christ to his disciples

Matthew 3: 1-6 – Modern form of baptism was originated by John the Baptist 

Matt 3: 13-15 – Jesus said he needed to be baptised by John of Baptise because it was to fulfil righteousness, not because he had any sin, It was for us to follow.

Mark 1:9,10 – John the Baptise baptised Jesus by immersion (up out of the water which means he went down into the water).

Acts 2: 38 – The people were to repent and be baptised in the name of Jesus on the day of Pentecost. 

Acts 8: 26-39 – Philip baptised the Ethiopian treasurer (Eunuch) by immersion

John 3:5 – It is important to be baptised by water because it is access to heaven.


Mark 16: 16 – If you believe and baptised then you are saved.

Acts 22: 16 – Paul was told to get up and be baptised to wash away his sins.

Romans 6: 1-6 – Baptism represents three parts of the scarifies of sin -  1- His death

                                                                                                   2- His Burial

                                                                                                   3- His resurrection

Galatians 3: 27- When we are baptised into Christ we put on Christ (Be Christ Like) 2 Corinthians 5:17 We are a new creation

 The next presentation.

Are the dead alive? (Wednesday 20th March 2014)

Date notes were taken: Wednesday 19th February 2014 Prayers that are answered 

Presented by Elder B. Holness

God’s money in my purse/ wallets. (Stewardship)

422- Marching to Zion

246- Worthy worthy worthy is the Lamb

Opening Prayer- Elder L. Brown

Short discussion.

Jesus driving the money changes out of the temple (the house of prayer). First he saw them and spoke to them, three and half years later he went back and over turned the tables.

Why people show off – People think they have achieved all by their own strength and own doing.

Stories shared

The pastor who sold waffle tickets where the prizes were bottles of whisky.

The faithful farmer whose crops were protected by God.

Questions asked this week.

What if you lent someone money and you get it back, do you pay tithes from that?  – No if they add an extra amount then give a tenth from the interest.

Why is tithing necessary? – Pastor should be paid by the tithing. It goes towards the ministry.  

If I work and earn money how much of it belong to God?  - All of it belongs to the Lord but he only asks for a portion. One tenth.

Can returning tithes get us a place in God’s Kingdom? No! You can lack in other areas of your Christian walk. Someone can give tithes to the penny but that is not all you need to do it enter the Kingdom of heaven.


Let’s find out about God’s Money in our Purse/Wallet.

Malachi 3:10 – God is asking for our tithes which is only one tenth of your earning/gifts.

Genesis 14: 18-20 – Abraham recognised the tithing system because he recognised God’s blessing. He returned what he was blessed with.

Genesis 28: 20-22- Jacob promised a tenth of his income.

Numbers 18:21-24 – The tithes was used for the work of the ministry.

Leviticus 27:30-32 – The tithes belongs to the Lord.  

Psalms 24:1 – The Lord is the owner of everything.

Psalm 50: 10-12- Everything belongs to the Lord.

Deuteronomy 8: 18- Our ability to work comes from God.

Proverbs 3: 9,10 – We should honour God with all that we have. 

Matthew 23: 23 – They tithed all that they had.

1 Coin 9: 13,14 – Ministries should be supported by the Gospel

Malachi 3:8,9 – If you withhold tithes you are robbing God.

Matthews 6:33 – Whatever we are doing we must put God first. Your obligations should be with Him first.

Luke 6: 38 – Give generously

Mathew 6: 19.20- Lay up your treasures in heaven.



The Bible Speaks  

Date notes were taken: Wednesday 5th February 2014 Prayers that are answered

 Presented by Pastor E. Lawrence based at our church every 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month

Songs for the programme today- To view the lyrics of the song, click the name of the song. 

300 – Rock of Ages

306 – Draw me Nearer

272 – Give me the Bible (Our Theme song)


Short discussion

We are living in a time where we cannot give up pray.

We can pray and pray and it really won’t bother God. 

Pray until something happens.

Adam before the fall, was able to walk and talk with God. Sin separated that face-to-face contact.

When we pray we must address who we are connecting with so we identify who we are talking to and how mighty He is. If we were talking to the Queen we would not just call her by her first name. So we need to remember how great our wonderful God is. 


Stories shared and their morals

The Man hanging on the cliff. (He didn’t believe God would hear his prayer.)

The lady who didn’t believe the mountain would be moved. (When you don’t believe it will never happen.)

The lady who believed that rain would come. (She was prepared.)

The story of the men who were stranded at sea.  (When you pray we should pray for others also.)


Questions and answers from this week's programme

Should we stop to wait for a response when we pray?

We should have time to listen. There might be a response. God wants to speak to us.

How do we confess our sins?

We acknowledge, call the sin by it's name and ask the Lord to forgive us. We should seek not to do it again.

If you seek repentance after deliberately sinning will God forgive us?

Yes, Confess and forsake.  Read Proverbs 28: 13.

Would God answer a pray to prove He is God?

God does not have anything to prove. He answers prays because he loves us. But faith has a big part to play in our prays being answered. 


Let’s find out how can we talk with God so our prayers can be answered?

Like 11:1 – The disciples asked Jesus to teach them how to pray. Prays weren’t personal before so they wanted to pray like Jesus. Prays were often recited and repeated so they wanted learn how to pray.

Verse 2 – Praying to the Father in Heaven. Speak open to Him because he is caring and we should have no doubt when talking to him.

John 14:14 – We can confidentially go to Father in prayer through Jesus.

Phili 4: 6 – Our prayers should not be just requests but also thanksgiving.

Jer 29: 12,13 – We must seek God with all of our hearts. If we go half heatedly we will not fully believe.

Matt 7 : 7,8 – If you ask it will be given. Some times we will not receive unless we ask.  Ask, Seek, Knock. ASK.

Matt 7: 11 – God is willing to give more than we are willing to give our children. Whatever God gives us, it is the best.

Romans 8:26 – The Holy Spirit promised to help us with our weaknesses and speaks to God for us when we cannot find the right words to say.

Mark 11: 24 – There are conditions necessary before our prayers are heard. 1st – to believe.

James 2: 6, 7 – Our prays will not be answered if we lack faith.

1 John 5: 14, 15 – We should have confidence that if we ask, He listens. God will however answer according to God’s will. We can start to understand his will through the connection we have with God. We want fully understand

James 4: 3 – some of our prayers are not answered because of our selfishness.

Psalm 66: 18 – The Lord refuse to hear our pray when we have un-confessed sins,  if know sins are cherished. The Holy Spirit will remind you if you have forgotten. If we didn’t know that we have sinned, we must pray for forgiveness if we have said, thought or done anything wrong and didn’t recognise.

Proverbs 28: 9 – Those who turn their back on God and disobeys God’s law will be an abomination to the Lord.

Ephesians 6: 18 – Pray always.

1 Thess 5: 17 – Pray for each other continually.

Psalms 55: 17 – David prayed in the Evening, morning and at noon.


The Bible Speaks

Notes taken during "The Bible Speaks" study presented by Pastor E. Lawrence based at our church every 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month. 

Date notes were taken: Wednesday 15th January 2014 The Law and the Gospel 


Psalms 19:7 -  The law converts the soul and changes people's lives. 

Romans 3:19-20 - The law brings out the knowledge of sin. 

Romans 7:7 - The law helps us to recognise what sin is. 

Exodus 20 - The ten commandments 

1 John 3: 4 - Sin is living against God. 

Romans 4: 15 - If there was no law, there would be no sin. Nothing could have been measured as good or bad. 

Galatians 3: 21, 22 - The law can not save us.

Ephesians 2: 8,9 - We are saved by grace through faith in Christ Jesus. 

Romans 6: 23 - We receive the gift of grace through Christ Jesus. 

Romans 6: 1,2 - God gives us grace BUT we should not continue sinning.

Romans 3: 31 - We establish the law. 

Romans 8: 7 - If we sin it is like we become God's enemy. 

1 John 5: 1-3 - We show our love by keeping his commandments 

1 John 2 : 1-4 - If we profess to know Christ but does not follow the commandments, we are classed as liars. 

Psalms 40: 8 - Delight to do the will of God.





The Bible 

The Bible is not just a book but a library 

3 Timothy 3:16,17

2 Peter 2:1 - False teachers 

Numbers 12:6 - God will revile him self self to us through dreams 

Galatians 1:12 -Paul spoke about not being taught about God gospel but through the Holy Spirit. 

Proverbs 30:5 - Every word of Hod is pure. 

Matthew 24:25 - Heaven and earth may pass but God's word will not pass away. We can stand on his word. 

2 Samuel 23:1,2 - Are the words that the prophets speaks, actual words from the spirit. 

Jer 1:4-9 - Before we were formed God knew Jermaine. He put the words into his mouth. We don't have to worry about what to say. Just like the story of Moses. 

1 Thess 2:13 -

Deu 29:29 - The secrets belong to God. We can not cope with every thing. 

John 20:30,31 -

John 5:39 - We must search the scriptures 

Ps 119:11,16 - Hiding the word in our hearts and not forgetting them. 

1 Corinthians 2:13 -

Never seek to read the scripture without praying first. 

The best commentary on scripture is scripture it's self 

Proverbs 2:1-5 - we will not be fooled by others if we search the scriptures. We will relate and apply to out lives. 

Proverbs 22:20,21 - Gods word is certain. We are sometimes lacking is wisdom.